Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Elusive Chiron Return


A bit in the shadows, shy and really not that well known in the cast of characters we call planets, astroids and comets in our astrological charts.
Chiron was named after the centaur in Greek mythology who was half horse and  half human. He was physically wounded, also a profound teacher and healer but ironically was not able to heal himself. He bears the archetype name of 'wounded healer'.
Chiron, with wound was allowed to die. Being an immortal, he would have had to suffer eternally. In the Chironic process. An elixir can be produced from the poison of the sacred wound. One result of this is to really be able to help and heal others as the‘wounded healer. But perhaps more importantly, the key here is that while moving through the process we became aware of a deep empathy and compassion for ourselves. We all experience a point in our lives where a wound  takes place, a break point, a fracture. Looking at the sign Chiron is in and the house position can give us clues as to where we might find the wound. Often we live in either denial or a victim-hood mode but usually in the form of unconscious awareness. In tapping into the storyline of sign,  house position and aspects, we can begin to bring awareness to the surface. This is where psyche and soul come to meet.

It takes roughly 50 years for Chiron to orbit around the earth. Somewhere around the age of 48-50 we experience the Chiron return. So what happens then? We are gifted with an interface. The fracture between the psyche and soul becomes exposed. It is as if a veil is lifted and we can see with utter clarity the missing link between fracture and wholeness. This wholeness brings us closer to the essence of who we truly are. By exposing our wounds we are given an opportunity to redirect our lives on a more authentic spiritual path. This is the core of who we are if we take on the task.

The wound may not leave us, but in acknowledging our imperfections and releasing on the need for perfection and control we can begin to heal.

You can view more on what I offer at: The Art Of The Chart

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