Sunday, June 30, 2013

Jupiter's Prosperity: Cancer Exaltation

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Jupiter Enters Cancer Exaltation                           Offering Mini Readings:  Jupiter Prosperity Report  $25.00                             

 The planet Jupiter has been known since prehistoric times as the bright ‘wandering star.' He is a character on the stage known for cosmic luck, expansion and prosperity. Jupiter’s reputation has much to live up to besides being the largest planet in our solar system and fifth in line from the sun. We turn to Jupiter for our sense of purpose, higher ideals and overall well-being in the pursuit of happiness. It’s no wonder us humans become giddy when we see Jupiter’s arrival towards the touchstones of personal points in our astrological charts.
lauren mantecon, "saved" oil on panel 12x12
It takes roughly twelve years for Jupiter to make it’s round around the earth changing signs every year. When this happens Jupiter takes on the flavor of the sign it is in, slightly twisting the fate of how we create more personal abundance in our lives.
One way we can think about it is the planets are people and the signs are places. Different places offer different valuable resources.

On June 25, 2013  Jupiter entered Cancer. This placement adds extra charisma to the stage for Jupiter. In Cancer he is exalted. And what exactly does that mean?

An exaltation of a planet just means the energies are expressed in a highly beneficial way. All twelve signs of the zodiac (places) are associated with a specific planet (people) which we call rulers. This is where the planet feels most at home. Each sign has a ruling planet. Jupiter’s natural ruler is Sagittarius but is exalted in Cancer. Sagittarius, a fire sign known as a place of expansion, knowledge and higher learning.
Jupiter’s goal in our lives is to help us expand our horizons, grow, be happy and to eventually gain enlightment. Because of Jupiter’s interest in becoming the best possible person we can be he naturally does well in places that encourage reflection and self-awareness in a non-rigid and fluid way. Places that support and encourage this are the water signs. Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.
The reason Jupiter is exalted in Cancer as opposed to Scorpio or Pisces is because of astrological modes. Not only are signs made up of elements, earth, fire, water and air. They also have modes called cardinal, fixed and mutable. Cancer is cardinal. In short- cardinal mode helps things expand and grow by reaching out to the four cardinal directions. The fixed mode helps things become strong and durable. The mutable mode assists in becoming more open to possibilities. Cancer is cardinal, Scorpio fixed, Pisces mutable.

Your personal birth chart reflects a sign and position of Jupiter in your chart. With Jupiter entering Cancer we can look at the position of Cancer in your chart ( which house sign it falls in) and add that flavor to your interpretation.Also if you know where Jupiter was in your birth chart you can look to that sign and house as supports to how you create more abundance and prosperity in your life.

 For the month of July I am offering mini report on Jupiter  in your chart and a quick glance
of your birth chart for f $25.00 each.

Jupiter Prosperity Report

This is a look at the map you were born with and how to best utilize the energies for the goals set in your life.
For more on Lauren’s astrological services visit:

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