Monday, December 29, 2014

The New Science of Astrology- Just what is the Human Design System?

The Human Design system is a tool for making choices in perfect harmony with who you are.

     Human Design Wheel and Chart
I have been a student of Western Astrology for twenty years.  One day, a little over three years ago while in Art Residence at the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of Taos, New Mexico, a colleague handed me the strangest looking body graph chart - as a practitioner of astrology and having a fondness for visual mapping, I was immediately intrigued. What was this I thought, a map of the chakra system? (which are seven energy centers that run down the length of the body from the color violet at the top of the head to radiating red at the base of the spine). No- this was not that at all.

What I did come to learn over the next three years of study was a complex system made up of what are called types, gates, channels, electromagnetics and neutrinos, all intermingled with the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, astrological signs and planets, as well as quantum physics. Whew! 
What I did not expect over the course of this time was to fall deeply in love with a system which again and again proves to me to be a perfect synchronicity of person-hood I have come to experience when studying the charts of those I know and those I have the privilege to get to know through my client readings. 
I offer readings that combine the western Astrological chart with the Human Design chart. You can find more information on that at: Both systems shows the map of exactly where you were in time and space when you were born- with all the planets directly overhead radiating their magnificent energy to you.
Human Design Chart

 Human Design in all it's complexity offers practical tools and strategies in which to live out our unique potentials in a correct manner according to our type and strategy that brings harmony and balance to our individual lives and the co-habitation with others. It dives more into what are called personality types - five to be exact- your either a Manifestor, Manifestor Generator, Generator, Projector and or Reflector. Each personality has it's own set of authentic gifts to share to the world. We tend to live in a world where the theme is to "just do it"- do, do and do more and whoever does the most- wins. When understanding personality types we learn we are not all to be the over achievers of the world. It's just not in our DNA. 
So, what is Human Design? The late spiritual teacher Ru Uru Hu founded Human Design in the twentieth century. Human Design is often called the "new science of astrology." Your Human Design chart is taken by the same means as a natal astrological chart. Locating your place in space with the time your born, location and date. A Human Design chart has three parts. 1. The body graph, 2. The birth chart, 3. The keynotes. The geometric shapes are called centers (looks much like the chakras) and if you turn the chart upside down it looks very similar to the tree of life from the Kabbalah. You may notice 64 numbers appear on the chart, those are gates and correlate to the 64 hexagrams in the I Ching. When we begin to break down the parts of a chart piece by piece a story begins to evolve into our personal energy map.
It's a unique synthesis that takes place- all orchestrated by what is known as neutrinos. This is where the science comes in. Neutrinos are sub-atomic particles; they are now known to have mass and therefore implements changes in our DNA. All sub-atomic particles are composed of vibrating strings.
These strings are very tiny, and their different vibrations create everything we need through particles to make up our magnificent universe. Because they hold mass and weight- they do interact with other objects in our three dimensional world. So our universe with it’s billions of neutrinos move extremely fast and travel through everything and this includes the planets in our atmosphere as well as people. We are constantly soaking up their flow of energy. According to Human Design neutrinos have specific characteristics and properties that are shaped by the stars that create them. When neutrinos pass through an object their properties are modified and the objects through which they pass are changed.
This explanation of the mechanism is what underlies the Human Design system and also explains the underpinnings of Astrology. It's not the woo-woo magic some people think with made up stories of meaning but actually a well oiled choreographed celestial star storm.
I do feel that as we move forward in our evolution the archetypes of humanity will begin to shine with the knowledge Human Design can bring forth.

In 2015 I will be offering a four part series workshop on Human Design in Santa Fe, NM.

An Introduction to The Human Design System through Creative Metaphor and Symbol
Learn Your Type and Strategy. Short individual readings will be included. 
Friday Feb 27th 6:30-9:00 pm + Saturday the 28th from 11:00-3:30 pm. 
Cost: $195.00 All materials included
For registration, please visit:  Human Design Workshop

For more information on Lauren visit : Creating from the Core
blog + :

Happy New Year To All- 
Lauren Mantecon

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